Browsing Archive: November, 2011

BEC media posited for consciousness

Posted by pacific coast paranormal on Sunday, November 27, 2011,
Assuming a material world, the non-local properties of consciousness (see below) suggest that it must exist in a macroscopic coherent quantum medium, called a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) that is meters in extent and perhaps global. Known BECs such as super-fluids and superconductors only exist near absolute zero. To explain consciousness the BEC medium must exist at room temperature.

The presumption of a BEC medium to explain our visible, waking or physical consciousness underlies both the ...
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Infrasound and the Paranormal

Posted by pacific coast paranormal on Saturday, November 26, 2011,
Through my mulling around on the internet in search for a typical investigative procedures, equipment, etc, I managed to find some very interesting skeptic-based information on infrasound and it's relevance to the paranormal.

What is infrasound? 

The more scientific jargon would be low frequency standing waves, or for the rest of the world, audio frequencies below 20Hz. Humans can naturally detect audio frequencies between 20Hz and 20,000Hz, so it is pertaining to sound that you cannot hear....
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